Daydream Vaccination

Combat the ravages of daydreaming. Take one a day or as needed.

Monday, May 22, 2006

What's you're coolest visual for how small we are in the universe?

I might screw this up a bit but here's mine:

Put a dining table in the middle of a football field and spread a black table cloth over it. Spill (a few?) shakers of salt on the black-cloth dining table and spread the grains around. Then, line up enough similarly salt-covered, black-cloth dining tables, end to end, so that they cover the entire football field. The grains of salt are roughly the number of stars are in our galaxy alone.

Put a football field in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean...

Put an Atlantic Oceans-worth of football fields, full of black dinning tables covered in grains of salt...then check your blood pressure.


Blogger The Red Queen said...

Thats pretty cool.
My favorite doesn't have to do with how small though. If you took the eraser of a pencil and managed to turn all of the matter in it into energy it would be enough to blow up a city.

10:34 PM  

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