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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Why do I like to watch boxing?

"Jack Boughton, also known as 'the Father of Boxing,' developed the first set of rules for the sport and published them in 1743 as a RESULT FROM A BOUT WHERE HE KILLED HIS OPPONENT in 1741."

So, the sport of boxing was invented to keep people from dying in public fist fights. That's depressing. And it took one of the gladiators to actually care enough to bring rules and regulations to the arena. That none of the purse string holders cared enough, speaks volumes.

It's not like they're eating bugs for money. But then again, nobody dies from internal brain hemmoraging on Fear Factor. No one on The Bachelor is left punch drunk and bankrupted by embezzeling managers.

Boxing has evolved over the years. Referees have become more responsible, and criminal elements in management and fixing fights has diminished--as far as I can tell. Go back as recently as the forties and fifties and you'll see acknowledged mobsters sitting front row at fights that,in terms of sheer exploitive brutality, eclipse, by miles, anything shown on tv today.

I may have to consider this more. Sorry for the blue balls.


Blogger The Red Queen said...

I like boxing too- but don't know nearly enough about it. I like getting rid of any pretense that it's about a ball or a goal and watching 2 guys (or 2 girls) see who is tough enough to still be standing at the end.

5:40 PM  
Blogger Peter said...

Yeah, while other sports might be violent boxing is violence with rules. The toolset to acheive the objective is limited exclusively to punching. It seems so primitive on it's face.

8:21 AM  

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