Daydream Vaccination

Combat the ravages of daydreaming. Take one a day or as needed.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Litigious: how can such a pretty sounding word carry so much evil?

My coffe cup lid of choice is the old one, the tear away, perforated tab that leaves you with a good quarter-inch square to drink from. The alternative is the sippy-cup, Starbucks lid that just blows. My guess is that after the spilled-coffe lawsuit against McDonalds that awarded a plaintiff $2.9 million, big companies like Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts decided to go exclusively with the handi-capable, safety lids.

Another one is the door locks on my Ford shitbox--I forget what model I have. Every door locks automatically whenever the ignition is turned on. Were there that many kids and senile old people chucking themselves out of moving cars? Please. Coincidentally, It's when I leave the car running, to get my morning coffee, that I am most often thwarted by this bullshit safety feature.

Have you heard how they're installing voice recordings of anti-drunk driving messages in urinals? So, you go to use the restroom at a bar or night club, and the urinal tries to have an impromptu heart-to-heart about your drinking. I don't know, that might be the last straw for me. If I'm drunk, I can really see myself tearing some snobby, patronizing toilet right out of the wall and pissing on it's shattered face.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my. Reading this makes me want to run down my street screaming. You are so right.

6:27 AM  

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