Daydream Vaccination

Combat the ravages of daydreaming. Take one a day or as needed.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Self Hating Mick

So I'm looking through a photo album from Steve and Sara's trip to Italy/Rome and gasping at every new page. Surely this is the most breathtaking cathedral in the world, right? (turn page) Ok, this one? (turn page) So, this was dropped from space by an advanced race from the future, right?

No, that's just what Italians did in 1094.

Now, flash to a week earlier: I'm looking through photos from my parents trip to Ireland, my homeland. Wow, that sure is green...rain's a lot, huh?...So, they have Virgin mega-stores there too?

There are exactly two architectural marvels in Ireland: 1)An, Indiana Jones-style, rope bridge. 2)Piles of rocks preventing sheep from walking into the ocean and drowning. Both are real old, and real simple.

What were my people doing in 1094? They were drinking. Early. On weekdays. They were drinking and making-up stories about wee-people, and rainbows, and dead spinsters screaming their lungs out.

Heart cries, `No,
I have not a crumb of comfort, not a grain.


Oh yeah--Yeats! Shaw, Swift, Wilde...James Joyce!! That's what my people do! We sit in a dank pub on a Tuesday afternoon, pound beers, and write fucking masterpieces!

Bullshit bar stories + alcohol induced halucinations + isolation and boredom= disproportionate literary achievement.


Blogger Helen the Felon said...

Hey, not fair. I thought Dublin castle was fairly awesome, especially considering that there's a wall built by the Vikings that's still standing in the basement.

And hey...Guinness. It's a food group!

For the record, I'm Irish and Italian.

8:48 AM  
Blogger Peter said...

You got me Helen. I admit, I didn't do much research...any research. I based this post purely on comparing vacation photos.

It's a good thing that you're Irish and Italian. I'm afraid of the response I'm going to get from all-Irish people.

9:02 AM  
Blogger Helen the Felon said...

Nah, don't worry. They'll just try'n get you drunk and convince you to change your mind. (I suggest you let them.)

6:28 AM  

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