Daydream Vaccination

Combat the ravages of daydreaming. Take one a day or as needed.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

She's right by the way

I have this thing where I think people will appreciate a sleek and officious manner over unnecessary pleasentries. Sometimes I'm wrong. This is an email from my boss. She's right by the way:

You need to give them some kind of explanation as to what you are sending and what it is that you want.

They know good and well what I want. I want six-weeks paid and a flat screen in my cubicle. motherfucker.

Sending just the doc. is not only confusing, it is cold and impersonal.

So is your face.

We work as a team and we communicate with each other.

OK, Coach.

Having to guess what colleagues want from us in not only time consuming, it is frustrating.

Why don't you write a how-to book about bumming-out ones underpaid assistants on perfectly lovely thursday mornings when their cars are making a funny noise and soldiers are dying every day in Iraq...

The staff who run our programs do not have the time or extra energy it takes blah blah thhhhhp...

Please send F--k Hed and Other-Dude a follow up email.


Peter's--should take a chill pill and be still--Boss


Blogger Kelly Wolfe said...

If she's so big on personal communication why did she email this to you and not come over to your desk, take your hand and walk with you along the lakefront or something?

Ugh. I always appreciate efficiency, and people who respect that people are busy.


P.S. No risk of my going to Iraq. I could never leave your blog like that!

12:29 PM  
Blogger Dale said...

Good point lisa/kelly! I have a new boss and he actually treats everyone as though they're almost human. Unheard of.

6:36 PM  
Blogger Peter said...

Lisa- Yeah, what's with just an email. If it was such a big deal, why not have a sit down? Maybe I suffer from battered wife syndrome but I still like my boss.

Glad you're staying out of harms way and close to a computer. :)

Dale- Sure he treats you that way NOW. They always start out so nice.

5:45 AM  
Blogger James said...

He should have written it in a word doc. and just sent that to you.

9:28 AM  
Blogger Cup said...

Ugh, Peter, I feel your pain. In my corporate world, we're supposed to be developing our emotional intelligence ... watching for that intent v. impact moment ... keeping our halted states from becoming hijacks. I just want to do my f*cking work.

12:11 AM  
Blogger Peter said...

James- Yeah, that way I can print it out and pin in to my wall as a permanent reminder of my inadequacy as a human.

Beth-emotional intelligence? halted states? Next thing you know they'll be telling you not keep score at your kids little league games.

For real though Beth, I think your comment has all the makings of a really funny blog post about corporate training. How bout it? :)

2:39 PM  

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