Will Mark Foley be Sent to Prison?
The guy was in Congress for ten years. He had his own PAC. Men like that tend to have a few extra cards to play when it comes to matters legal. I, myself, hope he walks.
Hear me out.
If convicted, Foley will spend, maybe, three years in rich-white-people prison. Big deal. What you want to see, trust me, is a team of lawyers bleed Foley dry for six-months in court until he's backed into such a financial corner that he's forced to write a book.
Just picture what a glorious sleaze fest it'll be when Mark Foley schleps onto The Maury Show with his tell-all memoir: I Let the Bottle do the Texting.
Maury will be so happy!!
Here's a survey question-
You know Maury would...you know Springer would...you know Orpah, The Daily Show, and The View would NOT.
If not convicted, will Mark "The One Eyed Snake" Foley be allowed on Larry King Liveto peddle his book?
Nope- it's totaly a Barbara Walters tell all sob fest complete with a Jerry Falwell "I have sinned" moment.
And Oprah totaly would- she's got a thing for hunting child molesters, but Foley wouldn't because Oprah would not play nice.
I forgot about Falwell. And Mark Foley is a Christian of that soulless, Tom Delay, stripe.
I just want to see him go on Springer and watch some chairs fly.
I wanna see him go all Jeff Gannon and start doing gay porn
Maybe that internet pedophile-busting journalist guy Chris Hansen can do a whole show from the halls of Congress.
That would be a hoot.
This Foley thing pisses me off so much. Not just him, he is a sad person with problems. But the leadership who covered it up and allowed a guy like that to remain in a position with access to the pages is beyond my comprehension. Does. Not. COmpute. Too evil.
R.Q- Totally. XXX Gay Porn, in fact, would be a noble path for Foley considering what's gone down.
Lisa-That would be funny. Have hundreds of pitchers of iced tea and cookies all around the floor of congress.
On a more serious note. You're exactly right about his peers and higher ups. They did just like the Catholic church. Anytime an adult is having long, drawn out, exchanges with teenagers you can bet there's something bad going on. Teenagers are boring.
Also, I don't know if this is weird, but the fact that this story broke on the same day as the Amish school shootings--very different but still a huge story with child molestation at it's core--made this psychic dissonance. It's very troubling.
My next post is going to be a bout "Rocky" training montages. I need something light.
i want to se him naked. anyone else?
Anne, don't you have enough Mr. Foleys contacting you on ebay already?
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