Daydream Vaccination: The Future pt. I
In the future, there will be no more user names or pass words. User identification will be done by means of a DNA scan. An invisible laser will pass over the face of the mouse, shaving an infintessimal layer of the users index finger off to be at once examined and oxidized. Our children and our children's children will react with shock and wonder upon hearing about the old days when people needed to carry around big clunky codes in their heads, just to survive.
When our generation dies off it will not be uncommon to see usernames chiseled into gravestones.
Are they going to include the words "sticky buns" on your tombstone?
If Mom has anything to say about it then, unfortunately, yes :(
This is where cremation is a good thing. I just want to be turned to dust and sprinkled somewhere pretty- like Rome. No "Sticky Buns" tombstones for me.
Hello- hello?
Is this thing on?
I keep looking for my daydream vaccination, but I fear I am on the verge of a daydream infection.
I keep listlessly staring out windows.
I know. I've had a bit of a dry spell. Plus, they've actually started making me do work at work.
It's world war three over there at the White Paers huh? My insights about coffee lids and halloween costumes don't seem so important anymore.
Did you see the Daily Show last night? John Stewart friggin' testified. It was awesome.
World war 3 was really good for site stats. Ah well.
No cable - so no John Stewart (maybe someone will youtube it)
I know you're punch drunk with the whole gay marriage thing but this is really good:
He had a right wing guest on who was pushing a book. The interveiw turned to gay marriage and, backed into a corner, John's guest said "the argument comes down to if you think marriage is between a man and a woman." Without missing a beat John Stewart came back, "I don't think it is. I think it comes down to whether you think homosexuality is a biological part of the human condition or a random fetish." He's exactly right, and no one, that I've heard anyway, in the media has expressed it as succinctly.
And that is why I dream of threesomes with Stewart & Colbert.
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