Aren't you glad Mel Gibson is going off the rails?
With hopes of Katie Holmes turning up dismembered in Tom Cruise's refrigerator rapidly dwindling and Britney Spears evening out at 'bloated-dumb-has-been', Mel's showing his ass to the world couldn't have come at a better time.
I'd really like to see this one go the distance. I'm talking a full-on Waco stand off at the Mel Gibson compound--the one we were all denied at Neverland Ranch.
The Game Plan-
Keep the beard Mel. You look like a fucking acid-casuality from the sixties--it's awesome. And don't let anyone tell you you can't have a drink on your birthday. Hell, have one at the Oscars! Show the world how you can still be a real cut-up at parties.
You remember the guy who stole a tank and drove it down the L.A. freeway? He had the right idea, Mel. Think big!
I'm trying to be funny here but it's not really working. Tom Cruise and Britney are fun to watch. Their public flakyness is harmless and largley a result of the years isolation that come with achieving mega-stardom at an early age. Gibson's problems are banal and pathetic. He's shown himself to be nothing but a drunken, violent, Pat Robertson. There's no star quality panache to it at all. He's not a tortured genius like Brando, not a wild-child like Robert Downey Jr., not a Diana Ross type diva, he's just a regular, run of the mill, jerk. He should shut up and go home and we should be spared witnessing anymore of him.